April Davis - 2une In Anchor
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April has worked in the broadcast news business for more than 25 years from Alaska to Colorado to the Carolinas. She grew up in the upstate of South Carolina and graduated from the University of South Carolina with a BA in Journalism.
She earned a regional Emmy for Best Morning Newscast in Denver and a regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Innovation for mayoral election coverage in Jacksonville, Florida. April has won regional awards for best anchor- most recently in 2023.
She moved here to be closer to her father and is enjoying exploring the pelican state.
When she's not waking up early to anchor 2une In, she enjoys kayaking, yoga, discovering new restaurants, and going on adventures with her dog.
email: adavis@wbrz.com
Facebook: @April Davis WBRZ
Twitter X: April Davis WBRZ @DaybreakApril
Instagram: @aprildwbrz