Woodlawn High student allegedly tried to hide gun in wheelchair cushion
BATON ROUGE — A student at Woodlawn High School was caught trying to bring a gun through school metal detectors by hiding it in the cushion of his wheelchair on Wednesday, officials said.
Kevin Evans III, 17, was booked for illegal carrying of a firearm, carrying a firearm or dangerous weapon on school property and having a firearm in a firearm free zone.
According to the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office, the gun, a Glock 17 9MM, had an extended magazine with approximately 23 rounds. EBRSO said the student stated that he had been threatened since being shot previously and no threats were made specific to this incident.
Authorities detained the student after they received an anonymous tip that the student had a gun. East Baton Rouge Parish Schools Superintendent LaMont Cole noted that there is no difference in the metal detector policy whether a student is abled or disabled.
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The district is in the process of upgrading to artificial intelligence-powered detectors that can detect a weapon inside a cushion. These are commonly used in hospitals and airports. The district has invested more than $300,000 into the machines.