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Prairieville man arrested after ramming his car into daiquiri shop Friday night, third DWI arrest on record

1 year 8 months 3 weeks ago Sunday, June 18 2023 Jun 18, 2023 June 18, 2023 9:14 PM June 18, 2023 in News
Source: WBRZ

GONZALES - On Friday night, security cameras at Tiger Tavern Daiquiris in Gonzales caught video of a truck quickly backing up from the parking lot into the front of the store. 

Video shows multiple people outside of the bar standing around before sprinting inside. One person was hurt and the door was broken. 

"All the sudden, glass went everywhere it was just a big bang," Zachary Rash, owner of Tiger Tavern said. "I was worried it was gunshots, but you didn't hear repeated shots. I didn't know what happened, I thought a bomb went off."

Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office deputies arrested 32-year-old Micca Dotson from Prairieville for the crime. Deputies said Dotson blew three times the legal limit and this is his third DWI. 

Whitney Tomlinson was outside the bar when Dotson rammed his truck into the building.

"He ran into a friend's truck, they tried to stop him as soon as he backed up. He didn't do any of that because he was drunk driving. He was out for blood, he was out to hurt somebody. He put it in reverse and floored it and backed into right here. He hit the median and hit the door," Tomlinson said.

It all started when Dotson was inside the bar. Rash said Dotson was being rude to bartenders and eventually kicked him out.

"He got upset. He got in his truck and tried to hit somebody in the parking lot and pin him up to a vehicle. The guy jumped on the hood, that's why he made that big loop because everybody was standing here and he intentionally tried to run people over and back into this bar," Rash said.

Dotson was also arrested less than a year ago for a similar disturbance where he fired off a gun after getting into a fight at another Ascension Parish bar. He was booked on charges of attempted second-degree murder, aggravated damage to property and illegal use of weapons.

"You don't have any remorse for what you did last year, you're over here trying to kill 11 people with a vehicle, you should be charged with attempted murder again," Rash said.

Dotson was booked with third offense DWI, hit and run, reckless operation, aggravated criminal damage to property, disturbing the peace and vehicular negligent injuring. 

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