Man pleads guilty to 2021 assault in Ascension Parish; sentenced to 22 years
PRAIRIEVILLE — A man pleaded guilty to a 2021 sexual assault in Ascension Parish and was sentenced to more than 20 years in prison on Thursday.
Zachary Hendricks, 31, pleaded guilty to three counts of second-degree battery for the December 2021 assault in Darrow. He was initially being charged with second-degree rape.
Hendricks was sentenced to 22 years in prison with credit for time served.
Hendricks was arrested for the assault and multiple other crimes after it was discovered he had outstanding warrants for the crime following a Houston burglary arrest in May 2024.
According to an Ascension Parish arrest warrant for a separate incident, Hendricks was accused of beating, choking and kidnapping a woman with whom he'd had a romantic relationship in May 2024. Hendricks is accused of punching her repeatedly in the face, forcing her into her car and driving away after he went to a Gonzales convenience store to help her with car trouble.
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Crime Stoppers also issued a notice about Hendricks in March 2024 which said he was wanted on domestic abuse, child endangerment, aggravated assault and theft charges. Hendricks also has a criminal record of burglaries, assault, evading arrest and parole violations in Harris County dating back to April 2015. Court records show both Houston and Baton Rouge addresses for him.