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City-Parish debris removal crews to make final pass by November 21

3 years 3 months 1 week ago Wednesday, November 17 2021 Nov 17, 2021 November 17, 2021 12:25 PM November 17, 2021 in News
Source: Office of Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome

BATON ROUGE - Remnants of Hurricane Ida's presence in East Baton Rouge (EBR) linger, but local government representatives say it won't be long before all such unsightly piles of Hurricane-related debris are removed. 

City-Parish debris removal crews are making their third and final pass to collect storm debris from Hurricane Ida throughout the week of November 15, according to a Wednesday morning news release from the Office of EBR Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome.

More than 918,000 cubic yards of debris have been collected to date and crews are expected to complete their final pass by Sunday, November 21.

The mayor's office says residents do not need to contact the City-Parish to collect their storm debris, as City-Parish environmental specialists and debris monitors are directing crews to locations where debris removal piles have been placed curbside. 

Additionally, during this final pass, officials ask that only storm-related debris be placed in curbside piles. City-Parish officials say contractors, such as those providing tree services to residents, should not place their accumulated debris curbside. 

After November 21, Republic Services will continue to pick up regular bulky and woody waste collection services for all residents in the City of Baton Rouge and unincorporated areas of East Baton Rouge Parish, including any storm debris residents are unable to place curbside by November 21.

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